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Tips to Keep You on Track

Take care of yourself

It can be a challenge, but investing in yourself will make the hard work more manageable and academic success more sustainable. Allowing yourself adequate time for sleepmeals, social activities, and exercise should be part of your schedule, not just a reward for getting things done.

Be realistic

Given the difficulty of the work here, especially in certain departments, determining your academic success by your previous learning institution’s standards can be a setup for disappointment and frustration. Your professors, TAs, or advisor can give you feedback about how to measure your progress and set goals for improvement. Check out the Learning Center’s Handouts page for tips on communicating with your professors.

Take charge

Use an online or paper calendar to keep track of schoolwork, activities and commitments. Set manageable goals and track your progress. It can be helpful to have a master “to do” list, as well as a smaller daily list with specific items. For example, you could write specific chapters to read instead of “study for test.” Click here for more information and tips regarding Time Management.

Take advantage

There are many support services available to help you succeed. Visit the Learning Center and Writing Center or talk to your professors or TA. Academic Advising can help you understand requirements and plan your coursework.

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