Peer Chat

Quizzes and Exercises

  1. Healthy relationships require a balance of intimacy and autonomy to thrive.  How does your relationship balance closeness and independence? These diagrams and questions can help you answer questions about relationship balance.
  2. How connected do you feel to your partner?  What are the strengths in your relationship?  Try the following quiz from the Gottman Institute.“How well do you know your partner?” 
  3. How do you feel connected to others? One way to learn more about your relationship or the way you feel connected to others is The 5 Love Languages. Dr. Gary Chapman designed this short quiz to help you explore your emotional communication preferences. This information can help you better understand yourself in relationships and better relate to those in your life.
  4. What are your values and needs in a relationship?  Try this interesting card sort to rank order how important certain qualities you have or experience in a relationship are to you.  It’s just as helpful to know what’s most important to you as well as what is not so important. You might start by doing this exercise on your own and then invite a close friend or intimate to do the exercise and share what you learn with each other.“Personal Values Card Sort

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