Peer Chat

Black Mental Health

Challenge Mental Health Stigma

Because of mental health stigma in our communities and nation, and especially because of a history of mistreatment, misunderstanding and a lack of information, Black people and racial minorities can be hesitant to seek out therapy and mental health support and treatment. We need to work to challenge this state of affairs and the stigma that keeps so many from receiving assistance. 

UNC CAPS can be a resource for support. Our staff is committed to serving UNC students and postdocs of all racial backgrounds. Part of this commitment is continuing to train and educate ourselves about working with students from different backgrounds. We have several staff therapists at CAPS who identify as Black. For some students seeking services, sharing a racial identity with their therapist is an important consideration. We also have groups that are specifically for students identifying as Black or people of color.

A very important part of services is our Multicultural Health Program at CAPS

Additional Resources on Mental Health to Consider:

Brother You Are On My Mind

Melanin & Mental Health     

Erase the Stigma

Active Minds @ UNC

The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health

Black Mental Health Matters Too 

The Link Between Experiences of Racism and Stress and Anxiety for Black Americans: A Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Coping Approach

Potential Barriers to Mental Health Care for Black Americans: How to Get Help

Healing Resources for People of Color:

Internalization of harmful stereotypes and negative ideas about the self, identity and the racial (or other) group that one belongs to is one very insidious and damaging impact of racism and oppression.  Learn to dismantle this disastrous pattern.

Healing in the Face of Racial Trauma toolkit is available for free download

The Four Bodies: A Holistic Toolkit for Coping With Racial Trauma by Jacquelyn Ogorchukwu

How to Cope if You Feel Overwhelmed and Helpless in the Face of Racism by Natalie Morris

Love is Louder by The JED Foundation: Taking care of our mental health and supporting each other helps us cope with stress and anxiety while protecting our immune systems and physical health. Explore the sections below for simple things we can do to take care of our emotional health, cope with the challenges we are facing, stay safe and healthy, and look out for each other.

Racial Trauma in Film: How Viewers Can Address Re-traumatization

The Steve Fund  “The Steve Fund is the nation’s only organization focused on supporting the mental health and emotional well-being of young people of color.  The Steve Fund works with colleges and universities, non-profits, researchers, mental health experts, families, and young people to promote programs and strategies that build understanding and assistance for the mental and emotional health of the nation’s young people of color.  The Fund holds an annual conference series, Young, Gifted & @Risk, and offers a Knowledge Center with curated expert information. With multicultural mental health experts it delivers on-campus and on-site programs and services for colleges and non-profits, and through tech partnerships it provides direct services to young people of color.” The organization constructed a powerful statement about racial trauma and have provided numerous resources for dealing with racial trauma, including a “Racial Trauma Toolkit.” 

The Steve Fund also offers a Crisis Line for young people of color. Text STEVE to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor 24/7. ​

44 Mental Health Resources for Black People Trying to Survive in This Country

Self-Care Tips for Black People Who Are Struggling With This Very Painful Week

BIPOC Mental Health Toolkit 

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