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Sexual Health Resources (S.H.A.R.E.)

SHARE stands for Sexual Health and Relationship Education. SHARE increases awareness about sexual health on UNC-Chapel Hill’s campus, guides students to existing health resources, and creates safe and non-judgmental spaces for students to talk about a full continuum of health behaviors and choices.

SHARE provides:

  • Sexual health education & coaching
  • Sexual health education for larger groups (classrooms, student orgs, etc)
  • A variety of free safer sex supplies and educational materials for individuals, and for RA & group sponsored distribution
  • Annual anonymous survey and compilation data analysis regarding sexual health behaviors and preferences of Carolina students, utilized for additional sexual health programming and service development

One-on-One Meeting

Students can schedule a time and date to speak privately* with a trained sexual wellness educator about topics related to contraception, sexuality, safer sex options, family planning, and other topics related to their sexual wellness. Session topics can range from characteristics and tips for developing a healthy relationship, to effectively communicating your wants and needs to your partner, to finding out where to get an STI & HIV testing. Call 919-962-9355 to schedule or Contact Us. These sessions are held in Suite 1310 in SASB South or via Zoom.

Group Outreach and Education

Contact us to arrange safer sex and healthy relationship programs for groups, or to request our help with your sexual wellness course or event.

Additional Community Resources

UNC-Chapel Hill and the surrounding community offer many resources for you to ask health and relationship questions. Here are a few to check out:

Sexual Wellness Testing and Other Campus Resources

*All coaching sessions are private, and no report will be made to your parents, family, or other campus departments or officials without your formal written consent. Exceptions include when someone discloses feelings or actions related to hurting themselves or someone else, in which case we work with our colleagues in CAPS and/or Dean of Students to provide additional support and resources; Or when someone discloses details regarding an incident of harassment, discrimination, assault, stalking, sexual violence, and/or interpersonal violence, in which case we work with our partners in our campus EOC/Title IX Office to connect you with additional support and resources.

Safer Sex Supplies

Free safer sex supplies are available at various locations around campus and by online request for both individuals and groups.

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