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Physical Wellness Webinars

Physical wellness involves maintaining a healthy quality of life that allows us to get through our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. Physical wellness is not only the absence of illness but also living a thriving, active life – whatever that activity level is for each person. Adopting healthful habits (i.e., routine medical exams, immunizations, a balanced diet, daily exercise of some type, sufficient rest and managing stress, etc.) while avoiding or minimizing higher risk choices and behaviors (i.e. tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc.) are also included in this dimension.

Sometimes there may be limitations and factors beyond our control (like access to resources, physical ability, comfort level, financial state, and perceptions of healthcare) that impact the ability of individuals to participate in healthy habits that would most benefit them. It is important to advocate for equitable access to wellness resources within our communities so that we can all better our physical well-being, which ultimately supports our emotional, spiritual, and social states of wellness.

No webinars are currently available focused on Physical Wellness.

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