The concept of financial wellness requires that we acknowledge that everyone’s financial circumstances are different and depend on a broad array of variables that include the level of personal or family wealth, ability to earn additional income or not, differing personal needs, spending habits, debt levels, lifestyle preferences, personal initiative and more. However, in any circumstances, financial wellness involves setting and achieving short and long-term personal financial goals within the context of resources available to us.
Whether we have relatively unlimited resources from family or are trying to live modestly off of student loans and scholarships, we still benefit from thinking critically about what are our actual needs, versus wants, versus extras. Beginning this approach in college, regardless of current resources, sets us up to be more financially well and balanced throughout later life.
To learn more about Financial Wellness check out the below links:
Carolina Financial Well-being Center
Financial Wellness 101 Webinar
Make it Rain – Financial Wellness for Students on a Limited Budget Webinar