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Environmental Wellness Webinars

Environmental wellness is achieved by gaining an understanding of the dynamic relationship between humans and their environment. Every person has the capacity to have a positive impact on the quality of their environment, whether it’s their immediate environment, i.e. their home, classroom, or office, their community, or even their planet.

There are different environmental circumstances that impact our health and wellness which include: 

Social environment – This is the fluid arena in which people interact with individuals, groups, and institutions through personal interaction or electronically through social media, interactions that are filtered through a lens of social norms.

Built environment – This aspect involves how we set up the areas where we live, study, and socialize.  This is often where we have the most control.  Our home – whether an on-campus residence hall room or an off-campus house or apartment – is ideally our retreat and respite place.   It is where we can return for relaxation and renewal.  

Natural environment – All around us are naturally occurring living and inanimate elements that include air, water, earth, plant life, and wildlife. These elements interact organically to form a series of ecosystems that impact the health and wellness of all species on Earth.  Research continues to show us that getting outside and experiencing nature if various ways is an important and often essential component of our well-being, especially as it relates to our physical and emotional health.  So take a walk across campus or a hike in one of the nearby trails, or spend 15 minutes a day sitting outside getting a small dose of daily vitamin D from the sun, or even something inside as simple as sitting and watching the fish swim in the fish tank on the second floor of the union – very peaceful! 

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