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Join a Peer Group

What is Peer Education?

Peer education harnesses the power of social interaction and influence to encourage healthier choices. 

Student Wellness Peer Education Philosophy

  • Create social change towards a healthy and safe community that fosters student well-being and success.
  • Actively engage students in peer education programming.
  • Provide optimal instrumental support (i.e. financial assistance, material goods, or services) and informational support (i.e. advice, guidance, or suggestions) for students who want to educate their peers on health and wellness issues.

Student Groups to Join

  • hha! Peer Educators 

    • hha! Peer Educators create health education content and facilitate workshops that encourages everyone to be their best well self! We offer great experiences for those interested in careers involving higher education, health promotion/prevention, public health, health sciences and related and wellness professions. All currently enrolled UNC students (graduate and undergraduate) are welcome and encouraged to apply.  For additional information please email [email protected]

  • Carolina Recovery Program

    • CRC provides peer fellowship and staff support to enables students in or seeking recovery from substance use dependence to enjoy a normal, substance-free, collegiate experience while excelling at UNC-CH.
  • Sister Talk
    • Sister Talk promotes and enhances self-efficacy, self-awareness, and self-advocacy, among other protective factors for Black women at UNC.  
  • Sister Talk After Dark
    • This group, like Sister Talk, aims to increase a sense of belonging and resiliency, as they exist at an intersection of gender and race which impact their experiences at a predominantly white institution (PWI). This group is the graduate and professional counterpart to Sister Talk.
  • P.E.A.C.E.
    • (Processing Emotions And Communicating Effectively) This affinity group was born out of a need for students’ feelings, voices and stories to be shared while identifying mental health resources in a safe, non-judgmental setting. The program aims to bridge the gap between Black students and Mental Health resources by hosting events that teach students how to reconcile past traumas and develop healthy coping mechanisms while moving forward.
  • R.E.A.L. Talk
    • (Resiliency, Education, And Leadership) Provides a space for BIPOC (Black/Indigenous People of Color) and male-identified individuals on UNC’s campus to engage and develop their sense of belonging, personal agency, growth mindset, and tools for honing resiliency and grit.  


If you have any questions or concerns, would like to learn more, or would like to get involved with Student Wellness’s peer education organizations please feel free to Contact Us.

hha! Peer Educator Program

hha! peer educators inspire change towards better wellness for all through education. Learn more and join!

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