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Properly Dispose of Prescription Medications

Proper disposal of medications helps preserve water quality and reduces the risk of others taking the medication.

Most Medications

Most medications can be properly disposed of at the DEA Take Back Box at Student Stores Pharmacy. This includes controlled substances. No liquids, aerosols, or sharps accepted.

Unknown Medications

Unlabeled, unidentified, or non-controlled substances can be brought to Campus Health Pharmacy for disposal. No liquids or aerosols accepted.

Needles and other Sharps

Needles and other sharps may be disposed at

  • Campus Health Pharmacy
  • Orange County Health Department locations
    • 2501 Homestead Road Chapel Hill
    • 300 W Tryon Street Hillsborough

Put sharps in a strong, plastic container. Once the container is 3/4 full, put the lid on, seal it with duct tape, and label DO NOT RECYCLE.

Liquid Medications

Liquid medications may be properly disposed of at local Law Enforcement drop boxes as long as they are placed in a sealed bag. Locations include:

  • Carrboro PD / Century Center
  • Chapel Hill PD
  • Hillsborough PD
  • Orange County Sheriff

Disposal Kits Available

Contact Student Wellness for a container and neutralizing powder that makes it safer for you to dispose of some medication in your household trash.

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