At Student Wellness we offer a variety of workshops, presentations, and other types of programming for request by student/campus organizations, university classes, and other campus entities.
Guidelines for Requesting a Workshop
- Expect to have 10 or more attendees
- Requested/Scheduled at least 3 weeks in advance of program date
- Allow 45-60 mins for the program
- Willing to complete a feedback survey post program
- Requestor will reserve needed space for program
Workshop Options
- Dimensions of Wellness & Self Care
- Components of Mental Well-being & Happiness
- Stress Management
- Sleep Strategies & Hygiene
- Sexual Health and Relationship Education (S.H.A.R.E.) Topics
- Alcohol & Other Drug Education and Risk Reduction
- Any of the above with a special focus on Graduate & Professional Students Needs
Use the form below to request support for your wellness workshop. We try to accommodate as many requests as possible, but at times, the volume and timing of requests may limit our capacity to honor all requests. Please try to provide advance notice – ideally at least 3 weeks – and flexibility in your date/time if possible. Please be specific in the ‘Goals’ narrative, including the role you hope we can play at the event.